Return & Refund Policy

Return & Refund Policy

1.1 All Goods sold on the Platform is subject to the terms as set by vendor. ASI Marketplace does not restrict nor dictate any terms for returns and refunds for any product sold on our platform. Buyer may initiate the returns process by communicating directly with Seller through the Platform should there be any existing or valid policy made known or available to buyers prior to a purchase. 

1.2 Questions and complaints with regards to returns

1.2.1 If you have any questions or complaints, (i) you may either contact the Seller directly via the Platform or (ii) contact Asi Marketplace using the “Contact Us” page on the Platform, as applicable.

1.2.2 In the event that Buyer is unable to resolve any dispute with Seller directly through amicable negotiations, Asi Marketplace reserves the right to suggest and implement an appropriate resolution at its sole discretion.